November 24, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera.

Wow parenting! Jgn salah paham dlu.Im not yet mother-to-be.The topic just came out based on experiences and observation.

And yes parenting in 2000 eras is definitely different compared to my eras of 90s.And zaman aku pon berbeza dgn zaman mak abah aku dibesarkan but still practical during my time.

The story is i have 3 younger brother which is 19 to 14.The 19 one is my wali previosly.The middle one is the most naugthy one and the last one is diam diam ubi berisi! Masing2 ada perangai masing2.Either positif and negatif.Lepas abah meninggal, of course mak ak bertggjwb ke atas semua bnda.I got elder brother but hurmm.This is not the story of him.

I accepted that y.brothers as a naugthy person esp the middle one.Since his childhood, he is the one yg banyak akal.And i always shout at him krn kenakalannya.And i a bit regret to do so.Why? Will explain after this.The last one jenis yg kau nampak baek tp sometimes dia sgt keras ati.The 19s one, just ok.Tp during his naughty time, agak sakit jiwa lah jugak.Tp yg pasti tiga tiga kaki mudah menangis.I knew them sbb semua dlu manja dgn abah kan.

The thing is aku regret sbb ak selalu menjerit kt adik2 dlu.Yelah bla abah dah tak ada, tggjwb didik adik2 sudah tentu jatuh pd kami kakak2.Aku akui dlu pantang bt salah, aku jerit kt adik2.Pukul pun pernah.Tp lama kelamaan esp bila dah kawen, tgk family belah husband how they treat anak buah, how they get close to each other, aku cemburu.Ak rasa dlu aku x patot lyn adk2 aku mcm tu, even dorg bt salah aku rasa aku patot get close to them so that dia xrasa dilyan mcm banduan buat salah.Buat itu salah, buat ini salah.

And now i hope aku boleh jd rapat dgn adik2 laki aku.Aku jrg balik kampung dah, jd stp kali aku balik aku nak treat dorg baek2 spy dorg rasa kewujudan aku as kakak tatkala org keliling pandang serong pd mereka.I think this is what a family should be.Bukan bermaksud ak sokong prilaku mereka yg kdg2 merunsingkan tp bla aku rapat dgn dorg, harap dorg boleh dgr cakap aku.

Pd aku jgn gelabah sgt bila org cakap itu ini ttg famly amd siblings kita.Selidik dlu, jgn terburu2 menghukum.Doalah yg terbaek utk mereka.Doalah yg terbaek utk keluarga kita.Berkata2 yg baek2 bukan menjadikan mereka musuh dlm umah kita.

Sekian, wassalam.
Thanks for reading.

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